Keystone Warriors is an Eastern Pennsylvania non-profit 501c (3) organization that seeks to honor the daily sacrifices made by the brave men and women in all branches of the United States Military, but specifically those wounded on or after September 11, 2001.
Founded in 2009 by Marine Major Sam Johnson and Paul Spurgin, Keystone Warriors’ mission is to HONOR, EMPOWER, AID, and ASSIST our post-9/11 wounded warriors. Approximately, 85% of funds donated are used to ease the burden on our heroes, many of whom are men and women recovering physically, mentally, or emotionally, as they transition back into civilian life through hard work, dedication, and commitment.
By raising public awareness through sponsored events, and by seeking the public’s support for programs and services, we can provide emergency financial assistance to veterans, such as utilities, rent, transportation, medical, and other expenses. We pay directly to landlords, vendors and creditors, for qualified veterans*, and we provide financial counseling opportunities. *Qualified veterans are servicemen and women wounded in service on or since 911 with a VA rating and a better than honorable discharge.
Additionally, through your donation of funds, we also provide direct resources for their daily needs, with gift cards for groceries, toiletries, clothing, and other necessary items.
Keeping our warriors active is a key to their overall well-being. Partnering sponsors such as SCI Lehigh Valley Chapter, The Independence Fund, Corps Fitness in Wyomissing, and other local gyms, we provide rehabilitation hunts, specialized physical training, and goal setting to maintain an active lifestyle.
One of the major problems faced by our wounded warriors is mental health, and Keystone Warriors strives to provide counseling and mentor-ship either through veterans’ counseling centers or by matching up warriors who have gone through similar experiences.
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It is solely because of our sponsors , your generous donations , and your volunteering experiences, that we can provide “practical solutions to practical problems” for our veterans and their families located within Pennsylvania or for those who have ties to Pennsylvania.
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